So Much Change
had a baby and I started a new job all in a matter of 7 months.
Life has been a whirlwind. I now have two more titles added to my name- mom and wife.
Wyatt Henry Sanchez was born on August 25th 2017 and life hasn't been the same since. He has flipped my world upside down. Every cliché they say about having children has proven to be true. It is the most selfless thing I've ever done. I already felt some of motherhood with Gavin. For the past three years I've considered myself somewhat of a mother to him. The newborn thing is a completely different ball game though. Now with 2 boys I literally live in a house full of boys. We moved across the state to be closer to my parents which has been a blessing because daycare hasn't been needed for us. The thing I've had to get used to is working less. I love being busy. I went from working 6-7 days a week sometimes to working 3 and on occasion 4 days. It's been an adjustment. So here I am heading into 2018 a completely different person than I was when I entered 2017. So much has shifted in my life. I've learned a lot about myself this year.
I don't know if I necessarily believe in NYE resolutions but there are some things I want to do differently this year.
I need to1. stop caring about the opinions of others
2. stop looking backwards to figure out the present moments
3. stop comparing myself to others
4. have more faith
5. breathe more, read more, write more
6. don't stress over petty things
Those seem like good ones.
I remember wanting to start this blog in hopes of getting my voice out more and I want to actively try this year. To explore my writing in various ways and share my stories.
Thanks for tuning in
xo Alicia
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