
Hey Guys!

So I can honestly say that Thanksgiving week I ate more food than one person should probably consume. I spent my holiday at the hospital surrounded by coworkers that have quickly turned into friends. I'm sorry I didn't write last week with all the free time I had. Last week I only worked a few days and I HATED it. This week I'm working almost 7 days. The life of a per diem employee isn't glamorous. My schedule changes weekly and there isn't much consistency to my hours at all.

With that said I'm moving forward to Christmas thoughts. It is my favorite holiday and this year I actually have it off from the hospital! I have so much shopping and my mind is moving a mile a minute thinking about social gatherings and mental preparations. I think I'm most excited to have Gavin with us this year. I can't wait to see his face Christmas morning. It's funny I never would have told you I'd love a 7 year old as much as I do if you asked me 3 years ago. Sometimes I feel like his blood already.

Also I baked a banana bread again that I will share as soon as I get to writing it down! I honestly came to work today and left it at home with Danny and Gavin so hopefully they liked it!

On a patient note- so far tonight I've only had sweet little older women who compliment how great I am and a young man who apparently got kicked in the arm by a horse! He said he's owned a horse farm his whole life and not until now at 34 years old did he get kicked by one of them. I guess you never know!



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