Mothers, Moments, Identity
February is in full swing. We aren't even 2 months into this year and I already feel its time flying by.
I saw a video the other day of a mom that really hit a cord in me.
She was saying how her kids were in school and she was feeling lost. Her husband told her to do something that she wanted to do for herself and her response was that even thinking about that triggered her. For 6 years she was a mom and the hobbies she used to love didn't fill her as they used to. The more deep into motherhood I get, the more I understand this feeling.
It is so easy to feel consumed by being a mom. I still believe out of every job I have had and will have it is the most important one. However, identity in motherhood is something that I think a lot of women struggle with.
My youngest is heading into preschool this year and the thought of even a few hours without a kid makes me wonder how things will be.
I think the selflessness that is required to be a mother sometimes can cause us to not see the beauty in change. I think that becoming a mom is such a gift. I look at all 3 of my kids and think how blessed I am. Yes they can drive me crazy, but I get a front row seat to see them grow up and become good human beings. I think I'm finding that as our kids grow, its normal for us to grow too. We aren't suppose to be the women we were before kids. I think sometimes society can lead us to think we should still be the women we were before kids. As much as it's ok to look backwards, I believe it can be paralyzing as well. We are suppose to change just as they do.
I think reinventing ourselves whether its through becoming a mom or just becoming the women we are meant to be is a lifelong process.
Change has always scared me. I know that sounds vulnerable to admit. But admitting vulnerability I think can lead to the change that we need sometimes.
Valentines day is coming up. So this year love who you're becoming because I believe that whether you are 20, 40 or 70 you are changing into exactly who you are meant to be.
<3 love this and love you!