More Writing

 January 2nd. The kids go back to school tomorrow and I'm ready to fall back into a routine. 2023 has just started and being in the right head space is crucial for me this year. I'm done making excuses for not achieving my goals. I've never been a type A personality that does something hardcore until it's done. 

This year I will

1- Invest in myself more

2-Make more money/stress less about it

3- Put my health first

4-Be a more patient mom and wife

5- Learn to love myself

6- Write more

All things I've struggled with in the past. But this year is as good as any to stick to things. And with that writing in this blog more is something I want to stick to. I want to write more not only because it makes my head clearer, but it makes me happy. I think there is a vulnerability in writing. Not only writing to express yourself but to make yourself understand your own mind on a different level. I want this blog to be a means to help mental health in this world and make others happy. I love people. That's why I think I went into healthcare for my job. 

I want this blog to be a place where I can share life, my interests, and things I've learned and hopefully interact and learn myself in the process. 

Thanks for being here.

- Alicia 


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