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Spring Awakening Birthdays

 May is here.  My baby turns 4 next week and I honestly can't wrap my head around it. Having a daughter is a heavy thing sometimes. I love all 3 of my kids the same. With her though, I sometimes feel this responsibility to help her be a better woman than I.   I recently saw a video put out by Dove about a young girl struggling with her self esteem, her weight, eating disorders and her worth. It was relatable in more ways than one for me. Self love has been a journey in my life.  I think the older I get the more I worry about how she will see herself as she grows. I don't ever want her to worry about her appearance the way I felt over the years. I think the opinions of other people can be crippling and I want her to realize just how beautifully built she is.  I want that for all 3 of them. To see themselves as these perfectly imperfect beautiful beings made for this world to make a difference no matter how big or small that may be. The world can be hard sometimes. It tries to fo

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